Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Model APEC

Aloha all,
this blog is in support of a local level initiative to raise educational awareness for President Obamas’ upcoming address to APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) in Honolulu this November.

APEC is like the EU (European Union) in a sense.  It is a regional alliance that works to promote economic cooperation and trade amongst member economies.  Cooperation is voluntary and based on consensus to meet each countries own needs and conditions.  APEC began in 1989 with 12 members; today, it consists of 21 member economies.  Together, they make an economic powerhouse which generates more than half of the worlds' total traded output.  Each year leaders of member economies reconvene to debate proposals affecting the lively hoods of our culture, environment and jobs.  This November the world spotlight will be on Hawai'i as the annual conference takes place in Honolulu.  

The County of Hawai'i and PACC are raising awareness for this global event by holding an academic simulation of the real conference.  High School students of the Big Island are given the opportunity to take part in a 2-day educational event at the West Hawai'i Civic Center this October.  Students will be given member economies to represent in their own 'Universe' break out session.  Each 'Universe' is comprised of 11 students from all sides of the island representing their own member economy.  Here students will get to formulate discussion, actually work through the process of problem solving and then present their own solutions to the issues facing us today.  Some of the current topics up for debate include: food and water security, sustainable energy and transparency in trade.  This is a sustainable development initiative which I think will best represent Hawai'i in APEC.  

This grass grass-roots approach is a shift in paradigm from past development strategies focusing on top-down processing.  I think this higher learning atmosphere can stimulate an independent palette of thinkers to take part in the decision making of tomorrow. Hawaiis’ Board of Education Review on Hawaiis’ State Standards and Commission recommends education to focus more on "student-centered learning, where the student is an active participant in his or her own learning."  These types of experiences have real affects on people.  Last spring I got to attend the Model United Nations Conference in NYC.  No in-class learning can compare to the wealth of knowledge I picked up there.  Like Model APEC, Model UN teaches students:  structure of a prominent international organization, debate, analytical and critical thinking, conflict-resolution, compromise and consensus building. I engaged with students from all over the world on climate change and how it pertains to human rights.  The intellectual atmosphere created was empowering, if it weren’t for opportunities such as these I would not be writing this blog today.

I think an important aspect in creating a culture for learning relies on the support from the community.  If this is something you too EnVision, please help support model APEC in rooting Hawai'i 2011. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like how this allows students to present their own solutions to issues we face today and i really like how this gets students involved in being a part of making a difference in our community. This is a very interesting topic.

  3. I would like to see more of what exactly this entails to see the explicit and implicit possible remefeations of this.

  4. Those opportunities are very helpful for all students. It is important to know our economy, country(etc.) to take an action.

  5. These are great opportunities to get involved in making a difference in our community and also the world. Glad you could share this!

  6. This is something that I wasn't aware of, thanks for sharing this and allowing me to have the opportunity to be more aware of.

  7. wow, it is something I never thought of...
    I am pretty much expecting to see the change you will bring!

  8. Wow very interesting!! I totally agree with you and hope that change occurs
